The Dreamcast Junkyard DreamPod

Episode 67 w/ Special Guest Tom Charnock

October 27, 2019 The Dreamcast Junkyard Episode 67

Episode 67 is here! Where we are joined by the creator of the Dreamcast Junkyard, Tom Charnock, who returns as a guest to the show he created to help us celebrate and discuss the Dreamcasts' UK 20th Aniversary.

We discuss what the guys have been up to, talk about the Bleemcast article, that Dreamcast indie Strumwind is being released on the Switch, that Xeno Crisis is out soon on other platforms and that the team are then going to complete the Dreamcast edition.

As well as have a bit of a session laying into Sonic Adventure! Despite the fact Kev has still never properly played it.

We discuss the Dreamcast collected works:

Our interview with Randy Linden; the creator of bleemcast!

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The outro music from episode 114 onwards was created by our friend Pizza Hotline! You can stream or purchase Pizza Hotline's latest album "Polygon Island" on all major music platforms by clicking here.