The Dreamcast Junkyard DreamPod

Episode 73: 'Understanding Visual Novels and Wacky Collector's Editions on the Dreamcast'

The Dreamcast Junkyard

In DreamPod 73, Lewis and Mike deep dive into one of the most obscure and niché corners of the Dreamcast's game library: visual novels. You've heard of them, you've probably seen them. It's those games with all the anime characters on the front that have tonnes of text. Some people even call them "dating simulators". Well, the Dreamcast has some of the best. In this episode, Lewis and Mike explain what these games actually are and clear up many of the misconceptions surrounding them. They also discuss the best of this genre that the Dreamcast has to offer - there's bound to be something worth checking out!

As a bonus, the two also cover some of the insane collector's editions that these visual novels (as well as some non-visual novel releases) received on the Dreamcast!

Dreamcast games mentioned in this episode:

  • Sakura Wars (aka Sakura Taisen - series)
  • Kanon
  • Air
  • Ever 17: The Out of Infinity
  • Never 7: The End of Infinity
  • Comic Party
  • Real Sound: Kaze no Regret
  • Baldr Force EXE
  • Blue Submarine No. 6
  • Kimi ga Nozomu Eien (aka Rumbling Hearts)
  • Love Hina: Smile Again
  • Love Hina: Totsuzen no Engeji Happening

Non-Dreamcast games mentioned in this episode:

  • Clannad
  • Planetarian
  • Utawarerumono (series)
  • Tears to Tiara
  • Aquapazza

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The outro music from episode 114 onwards was created by our friend Pizza Hotline! You can stream or purchase Pizza Hotline's latest EP "Anti Gravity Tournament" on all major music platforms by clicking here.